Thursday, February 28, 2013

[Recap] The Face Season 1 (2013) Episode 3 : Nobody is Your Friend in the Competition

Again, Team Karolina does not think Stephanie deserves to stay. Marlee has a call from her family that has financial problem. She thinks to quit the competition. Then, there is another sad story from Team Coco. Brittany shares her miserable past.
The girls make up themselves with Ulta and slick their hair back. They meet Nigel and Karolina. It is time for test shoot.

Test Shoot #3 is The Quick Change. The girl with the quickest time to change wins. The winner of this test shoot will get $5,000 shopping spree at Marshalls. Karolina does a demo to do quick change for runway show. Her time is only 41 seconds !

Zi Lin 1:18
Brittany 1:24
Devyn 1:09
Stephanie 2:38
Ebony 1:24
Madeleine 1:12
Jocelyn 1:14
Sandra 1:13
Margaux 1:07

Margaux wins ! However, unhappy Devyn who holds the record for long time questions Margaux's winning is legal or not because she sees Margaux does something that might be considered as cheating, but Karolina and Nigel feels everything is right. Karolina is disappointed with Devyn's behavior.

Coco comes to the house to find Marlee. It is predictable because Marlee wants to quit and she goes right away.

The girls arrive at Grand New York Theater for campaign. The girls will do a wedding dress runway for Kleinfeld. The dress are randomly selected. They will be judged by live audience and Kleinfeld's fashion director will also watch their runway. The team with the most vote will win in the campaign. It is not the end ! The girls need to walk down stairs with that dress before do the walk and after that, they need to walk up stairs again.

The girls practice with their coaches. Coco is quite intimidated by Naomi who is known for having stellar runwak walk. Sandra cries after trying to walk down stairs. It looks quite fake you know.

Team Coco :
Stephanie opens the runway. She looks elegant. Coco is shocked because she is so good. The client loves her expression. Karolina is also proud of her.
Brittany looks awkward. She is the only who wears a black wedding dress. The client does not think that she is inviting and comfortable enough.
Margaux slips in the edge of the stairs. The client takes note about her fall.

Team Karolina :
Ebony holds rail when she walks up stairs.
Madeleine also does the same thing with Ebony because her dress is very long. The client does not think that she is graceful enough.
Devyn gives personality in stage. The client loves her expression.

Team Naomi :
Jocelyn is not a type of runway girl and Naomi notices that. The client feels that she is stiff.
Sandra takes Naomi's advice during practice. Naomi sees improvement from her.
Zi Lin's dress is very hard to handle, even Naomi says that she can not handle that type of dress, but Zi Lin nails it. Naomi is proud of her.

It is time for client's comment.

Team Naomi :
Sandra is a little bit of exaggeration, but it is quite good thing. Zi Lin stands out, while Jocelyn is expressionless.

Team Karolina :
Ebony has trouble down stairs. Madeleine looks lifeless. The client finds Devyn is interesting model.

Team Coco :
Stephanie impresses the client, while Brittany does not give any impression to the client. The client does not remember Brittany. The client finds Margaux gives more expression after she falls.

There are 55 votes and the winning team has 34 votes. The winner is ... Team Naomi ! Again.

Nigel announces the winner to the girls and Team Naomi is very happy. So is Naomi because her team is in harmony. Brittany thinks that will be Margaux who will be nominated to face the elimination, but she also thinks that Margaux is strong enough to be saved by Naomi. Margaux worries so much because Stephanie and Brittany do well. Team Karolina seems to be the one who gives comment to everything. They are confused with Team Naomi's winning since the only girl who is great is Zi Lin.

Karolina nominates Ebony because of her strategy. If she nominates Madeleine, Madeleine might not be survive. Coco nominates Brittany because she is not remembered by the client.

Naomi asks both of them why they should stay. Both of them share their miserable stories and Naomi does not like that. Naomi stresses to Brittany how she can not be remembered even she wears the only black dress. Naomi thinks that Ebony walks is too fast.

The girls I (Naomi) decided to keep is ... Ebony.

Next Week : Choreography ! Devyn shows another unprofessional behavior ! Naomi is angry with her team !

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